“Responders,” a dark comedy by Little Rock native Joseph Scott Ford, is making its shared world premiere at TheaterSquared in Fayetteville and the Arkansas Repertory Theatre. The play follows two small-town paramedics and an ambitious reporter who stumble upon a suspected suicide scene. Ford, who is both an actor and playwright, found his love for playwriting after studying improv in New York City and getting inspiration from his wife.
The seed of “Responders” comes from Ford’s personal experiences of overcoming depression, growing up in the aftermath of 9/11, and being raised in Arkansas. The play pays homage to the characters and experiences that shaped him. Ford gravitates towards electric performances and character-driven stories, citing influences such as Sam Shepard and Arthur Miller. While he has considered screenwriting, Ford ultimately loves the creative possibilities offered by theater.
As “Responders” premieres, Ford will be present at most performances to witness the culmination of his creative vision. The play will run at the Arkansas Repertory Theatre from September 4-14, with tickets ranging from $20-$65. Ford’s unique perspective and dedication to storytelling promise an engaging and thought-provoking theatrical experience for audiences.
Photo credit arktimes.com