Tech founder Pavel Durov of Telegram has criticized French authorities for pursuing criminal charges against him instead of addressing concerns with the company directly. In his first public comments since his arrest, Durov called the approach “misguided” and said it risks stifling innovation in the tech industry.
Durov highlighted that countries typically take legal action against the service itself rather than holding the CEO personally responsible for the actions of users on the platform. He emphasized that he and his company are willing to cooperate with authorities and have means for communication, such as an official EU representative with a public email address.
Despite facing charges related to criminal activity on Telegram, Durov acknowledged the need to improve the platform’s efforts in removing harmful content and preventing abuse. He mentioned that the sudden surge in user count has caused challenges in policing illegal activities, but measures are being taken internally to address these issues.
The arrest and indictment of Durov have sparked debates about freedom of speech, privacy, and online policing among tech founders and internet freedom advocates. Elon Musk and Edward Snowden have condemned the case, viewing it as a threat to freedom of expression. Meanwhile, Russia has called on French authorities to provide substantial evidence to support the allegations against Durov.
As the case unfolds, it raises broader questions about the responsibilities of tech companies in regulating content and the potential impact on innovation and individual freedoms. Durov’s comments shed light on the complexities of balancing these factors in the digital age.
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